Sunday, February 20, 2011

2010 Horizon Report - Trend

Per the Horizon report, the technologies we use are increasingly cloud-based, and our notions of IT support are decentralized. As and IT consultant, my last two clients were fortune 500 companies and they both recently changed their strategy from considering cloud based solutions to requiring that all new third party systems be cloud-based. Its amazing how fast they assimilate when they see the cost savings.*grins*  The ROI is very simple.  They no longer have to support servers! *chuckles* This reduces help desk support, system admin support, and upgrade and deployment support. As companies squeeze every cent out of their IT budgets, this trend will be seen as a no-brainer. *grins* The security hurdle is not that hard to overcome, but business customers will have to get used to waiting for enhancement requests because they will no longer be able to waive their magic wand and see a deployment the next week.*grins*

I am predicting that the Cloud model will be very slow on accepting enhancement requests.  The challenges that this trend faces are mostly political within organizations.  Change is often met with resistance.*grins*  IT organizations currently control large data centers, which have become somewhat of a power base for certain IT leaders.  The cloud threatens to eliminate most of the data centers and some IT leaders are uncomfortable with giving up that much power and control.  Nevertheless, the struggle to compete will likely force them assimilate eventually.

The only caveat that I can see is that their will likely need to be analysis done around network redundancy for mission critical applications.  "Hospitals come to mind." *grins*


Jim Thomas

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